Jesus wept.
-John 11:35
If Jesus wept, what makes you the exception?
Ok for those who don't know my attitude has come a long way!!!! (Ask Melissa about that time at Chilli's or the time at California nails or Dillards.... ok I'm telling too much. LOL) Thank God caus the 'tude was the worst.) Now don't get it twisted, I will still flip on you if you reallllllllyyyyy push me (As Tupac eloquently put it:"I ain't no killa but don't push me!"). It took some hard lessons for me to realize that my attitude was hampering my success. Hard lesson but I got it now and I want to share it with YOU!
Part of growing up is "checking" the attitude.
I am convinced that in life you can get far more with Honey than Vinegar (so sweeten that thang up a bit and see where it gets you.)
By no means am I advocating being a door mat. Don't let people misconstrue your kindness for weakness; but don't be quick to wrath either. Your ability to deal with adverse situations speaks a lot to your maturity, character, and ability to handle stressful situations appropriately.
I am convinced that in life you can get far more with Honey than Vinegar (so sweeten that thang up a bit and see where it gets you.)
By no means am I advocating being a door mat. Don't let people misconstrue your kindness for weakness; but don't be quick to wrath either. Your ability to deal with adverse situations speaks a lot to your maturity, character, and ability to handle stressful situations appropriately.
Just so you know:
Pointing, lip smacking, Rolling (of ANY kind!)---------- That is never a good look (You are not an extra on "In living Color" you're a professional so act like it.)
Cussing Heavy (in public)---------- Ok so this is hard for me because I cuss (that's just what I do!) Resist the urge to cuss anybody in public (especially children, elderly, and your boss.) Not only does it make you look ghetto (which by the way is not a place but rather a state of mind), it is unprofessional and straight up unladylike.
Picking and Choosing---------- Picking and Choosing is the way I refer to women who want to pick and choose when they will conduct themselves like a lady (then want to get offended and loud when they are referred to as otherwise). One ignorant deed does not warrant another; so bite your tongue and get your "grown woman" on (at least til you get in the car).
Boisterous---------- There is no reason to get loud in public. NONE. Unless you are being mugged, assaulted, or otherwise physically attacked there is no Excuse. (Cheating men, disobedient children, rude supervisors and/ or disrespectful shoppers DOES NOT CREATE AN EXCEPTION TO THIS RULE!!!!)
Insubordination---------- In every aspect of your life you will be subjected to authority. RESPECT that and it will only make your life easier. If you want to "run the show" get your own. Otherwise, it is not okay to go on someone else's job and proclaim what you "will' and "won't" do. Unless you are being asked to do something that is unethical or illegal.... do your job the way you are asked. Show up on time. Stay out of office politics, drama, and gossip. Then GO HOME. If you follow these simple steps when "mess" comes your way you can professionally and politely "check" all those involved and move on.
COMMENT: If you have a reputation for being courteous, competent, reliable, and knowledgeable most often your reputation will speak for itself when issues arise. Similarly, if you have the reputation for being a late, loud, excuse making trouble maker on the job YOUR REPUTATION WILL LIKELY SPEAK FOR ITSELF WHEN AN ISSUE ARISES. Your attitude will choose how you are perceived by others!
Negativity-------- Life is rough. Stuff happens and it is not always favorable to you. You have enough to deal with so don't let negative energy keep you from making the best of situations. Be positive you will be surprised how it impacts your perception of the situation.
Take ownership--------- Mama may have been unavailable. Dad may have been drunk but you are grown now SO WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE? Life will be what you make it. Take ownership of the choices you have made (good or bad-- pat yourself on the back for the good ones and move on from the bad ones). Understand that God and you determine your destiny. NO ONE ELSE (unless you let them). Hold yourself accountable and you will start to see a change in your life.
Push Past------------ Keep pushing. It is unacceptable to give up or quit. You don't have time to be complacent, lazy, unmotivated, in denial, or otherwise immobile. You gotta move your feet to make changes in your life. No matter how successful you are we all have areas that need improvement so get to work (and paste a smile on your face while doing it!)
Laugh at You---------- I have said it before and I will continue to say it...LAUGH AT YOURSELF! On this journey called life you will do some funny stuff (may not seem funny at the time but it will be funny nonetheless!) So have a good hard belly laugh and move on. You will feel much better.
Limit Pity Parties---------- Jesus wept, so what makes you think you won't? Lock the bedroom, bathroom, closet or where ever you go and cry that thing out. Scream, holler, throw a fit and then gather yourself, pull it together and move on. Sulking is counter-productive. If 48 hours pass and you are still dealing with the same issue... REPEAT. Get it all out because you don't have time for drama and baggage to slow you down.
Negativity-------- Life is rough. Stuff happens and it is not always favorable to you. You have enough to deal with so don't let negative energy keep you from making the best of situations. Be positive you will be surprised how it impacts your perception of the situation.
Take ownership--------- Mama may have been unavailable. Dad may have been drunk but you are grown now SO WHAT'S YOUR EXCUSE? Life will be what you make it. Take ownership of the choices you have made (good or bad-- pat yourself on the back for the good ones and move on from the bad ones). Understand that God and you determine your destiny. NO ONE ELSE (unless you let them). Hold yourself accountable and you will start to see a change in your life.
Push Past------------ Keep pushing. It is unacceptable to give up or quit. You don't have time to be complacent, lazy, unmotivated, in denial, or otherwise immobile. You gotta move your feet to make changes in your life. No matter how successful you are we all have areas that need improvement so get to work (and paste a smile on your face while doing it!)
Laugh at You---------- I have said it before and I will continue to say it...LAUGH AT YOURSELF! On this journey called life you will do some funny stuff (may not seem funny at the time but it will be funny nonetheless!) So have a good hard belly laugh and move on. You will feel much better.
Limit Pity Parties---------- Jesus wept, so what makes you think you won't? Lock the bedroom, bathroom, closet or where ever you go and cry that thing out. Scream, holler, throw a fit and then gather yourself, pull it together and move on. Sulking is counter-productive. If 48 hours pass and you are still dealing with the same issue... REPEAT. Get it all out because you don't have time for drama and baggage to slow you down.
Schedule Mental Health Days--------- My family thinks I am nuts but I schedule semi-annual mental health days. (Nordstrom's and Vicky's takes twice a year to get rid of junk that won't sale why can't you?) Mental health days are designed for you to take a full day to engage in activities that help you keep your attitude in check. Turn off the phone. Take the day off. Go to the spa. Pick your toes. Stay in bed. Go pick strawberries. Read a book. Have the breakdown you have been needing to have for the last 3 months.... DO WHATEVER MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER, HAPPY AND WHOLE. Don't apologize for taking personal time to rejuvenate yourself. It is the only way you can keep the attitude that tends to creep toward the "piss poor spectrum" in check.
Remember ladies, In the words of Steve Harvey "Women can't do what men do and still be considered ladies." There is a time and place for everything so be vigilant about the appropriateness of your actions. We never know who's watching (our children and God included). Let's get it right in 2010 and that journey starts within!
That's MYtooSENSE!!!
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