Monday, January 4, 2010

Open the Door and then Walk in


"Behold I stand at the door, and knock. If any man [or woman] hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup [eat] with him, and he with me." - Revelations 3:20


Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.
-Marti Luther King Jr.

Over the weekend I racked my brain and prayed about what the content of my first blog message would be. I thought about talking about relationships, men, women, children, yada, yada, yada and none of it seemed right.

Then it hit me..... The average woman wants to know where to start.

As the new year rolls around there is sooooooo much buzz about "becoming a new YOU" "making a fresh start" and "Resolving to change". All of that hulla balloo is fine but the truth is that for most of us we don't know where in the hell to begin the process of self-improvement must less re-inventing ourselves.

Truth: the average woman is just trying to keep her head above water. From the corporate CEO to the full-time student, the majority of women are over extended, exasperated, and exhausted (for one reason or another) and just trying to make it into the new year without completely unraveling (all while trying to figure out how to pay off all the "ish" we bought for Christmas).

My advice is to take a step by step approach to self improvement. Whether your goal is to lose weight (first thing on my list because truthfully I'm getting "wide as all outdoor" lol!), go back to school, go to school for the first time, switch jobs, stay out the mall in 2010, save more, kick his a** out, or totally re-invent yourself you need a starting point and this list can help!

1. Get real about where you need to improve.
2. Set a Goal. (A realistic goal. Don't set yourself up to fail.)
3. Set a realistic time frame for accomplishment. (Meaning don't give yourself 8 weeks
to lose 25 lbs... duh!)
4. Write it down and put it where you can see it. (I personally like to write my goals on
my bathroom mirror with a dry erase marker so I can't avoid seeing the goals I HAVE set.)
5. Get STARTED NOW! (If you set a starting date you will just keep rescheduling it until
6. Re-evaluate and adapt. (Face it.... in life "ish" happens. You rarely ever see it coming, so
just know you may have to refocus and remix your goal a lil bit. At the end of the day don't
loose sight and don't let dumb stuff derail you.)
7. Laugh at yourself along the way. (because 9 times out of 10 you'll do something that's
8. Trim the fat. (Eliminate the distractions (people, habits, things, etc.) that you can clearly see are hindering your progress.)
9. Hold yourself accountable and share your goals with a friend that can help
you with this. (We all have one girlfriend that will "tell you like it is." Bounce ideas off
of her. Notice I said "friend" (but that's a whole other blog entry within itself so I won't go
there.) We are not talking about "haters", "associates", or "nay sayers" rather a true friend
(with some sense 'caus we all got a ride or die girlfriend that is just plain ignorant and you can't
ask her nothin... sensible) that loves you enough to tell you the "truth".)
10. Pray about it!!!!!! (I believe that God will help you with anything you truly seek and
desire to change.)
11. Don't see shortfalls as failure but rather "Teachable Moments" (Your goal may be
to change, but the overall goal is to grow, blossom, or otherwise improve. If failing to
accomplish a goal you have set for yourself results in growth then YOU HAVE MADE
Now let me give a disclaimer on this..... In order to grow from shortfalls you have TO
LEARN THAT LESSON and work not to make the same mistakes again. Repeating the
same mistakes is plain retarded!!! (We've all done it but it is retarded nonetheless!!!).

Well ladies I told it, like I see it, and there it is "MYtooSense"! Take it for what it's worth after all I'm not claiming to be anything but Me! Share your thoughts about my blog and feel free to add comments, ask questions, or leave some love. Hope you enjoy.

Muahhhhh! Love Ya Lots! See ya tomorrow.


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