Thursday, January 7, 2010

Fear doesn't live here ANYMORE!

For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and love and of a sound mind!

-I ain't never scared, I ain't never scared!
-Bone Crusher

Sorry I was not able to post yesterday ladies but the job was whippin my butt!!!! Mama told me there would be days like this (but I hadn't anticipated yesterday being one of them!) Anyways, let's get started.

Fear is a dream stealing, confidence killing, keep you in the closet in the dark til you don't even remember what light looks like, playa hating, trick of the Devil used to keep you from fulfilling your destiny!!!!!!!

Fear is:
-resistance to change.
-having a "chicken coop"mentality (believing that you can't get out of your current environment)
-not looking at "You" in a truthful light.
-not stepping out on faith.
-never trying new things.
-never saying good-bye to people, habits, and things that you know are not good for you.
-failing to demand respect.
-not speaking up for yourself.
-not "tooting" your own horn when it needs to be tooted.
-not choosing right when it's clear the alternative choice is wrong.
-not reaching for greater accomplishment in all fields of endeavor.
-making excuses.
-not stretching yourself to be better even if that requires some minor discomfort.
-not listening to the voice of GOD when you know you've heard it.

My encouragement to you: Kick fear out of your vocabulary, thoughts, and life. Do something daring TODAY!!!!! It will be liberating, exhilarating, and it will reassure you that, with the help of God, you can do ABSOLUTELY anything you set your mind to.

I will leave you with one of my favorite sayings, So when ever you are starting to feel defeated:

Look in the mirror and say to yourself "Self, Do YOU know who I am? I was wonderfully and fearfully made.... That means I can do all things through Christ the strengthens me! I can beat a brick with a stick and drown a glass a water. I crossed the ocean and didn't get wet, crossed the desert and didn't break a sweat. I am a bad Bi***!!!!!!!" Now smile, pop your collar, and move YOUR feet. You don't have time to waste. We are changing our lives in 2010 and that transformation starts within!!!

And that's MYtooSENSE.


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