Friday, January 8, 2010

The Colgate Jiggle- A true story

From time to time I will post random thoughts or share personal stories that I find to be funny, helpful, or just too good not to share.

So this morning, I was standing in the mirror doing my daily routine (cause I'm a lil OCD in that I like to do the same thing in the same organized way daily..... when something throws me off I end up leaving the house with slippers on or discovering I forgot to put on deodorant after it is too late.....lmbo)

As I digress, so I was standing there [in the mirror] (in the undies) brushing my teeth and it dawned on me that my whole doggone body was jiggling as I was brushing. I thought to myself, self this was did not happen before I went to law school, WHAT HAPPENED?

And then I answered myself... Golden Oreos happened, neckbones happened, no exercise happened, Reisling happened, happy hour happened. SH** JUST HAPPENED and here I am bigger than I was at 9 months pregnant. Granted I was 20 then and I am 28 now but that is no excuse. (No don't get it twisted I am still fine and fly) but healthy, not so much!!! I realized right then, that while I am confident in my image; I am not happy with the life choices I have made in regards to my health.

If I can't move my feet, I can't accomplish my goals. I gotta be healthy to pull off this thing called destiny.

Moral of the story: If you know there is something you should be doing for yourself, and you aren't, start today. I know, I know no time on the calendar. You gotta cut something out and schedule yourself in. You are worth it! YOU will feel much better about yourself once you start to fix the things you don't like about yourself.

Today I am going to start working on the "colgate jiggle". I may not be able to get to the gym 5 days a week or go on the latest diet. but I can eat one cookie instead of two, take the steps instead of the elevator, choose the apple over the baguette at Panera, and skip happy hour every other week and meet my girls for a mall stroll instead.

If you hate it change it. We are making the change in 2010 and that journey begins within!


1 comment:

  1. You and me both!! I started "Eating Better" on Monday and I have committed to going to the Gym at least 3 days a week!!! I will be 40 this year and I have to be healthly!!! In 3 years all of the children will be GONE!! Note I did not say HOPEFULLY so I need to get it together now so that I can enjoy the rest/best of my life!!! Love ya, Keep Sharing!!!
